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Legend:  spicy spicy  

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B01. House Specialty Cold Dish 疑難雜症(本店特色)

B01. House Specialty Cold Dish 疑難雜症(本店特色)

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B03. Tossed Jellyfish and Cabbage 白菜蜇皮

B03. Tossed Jellyfish and Cabbage 白菜蜇皮

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B04. Beef Slices in Chili Sauce (Fuqi Feipian) 夫妻肺片

B04. Beef Slices in Chili Sauce (Fuqi Feipian) 夫妻肺片 Spicy

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B08. Pounded Cucumber with Garlic 拍黃瓜

B08. Pounded Cucumber with Garlic 拍黃瓜

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B09. Century Egg and Tofu 皮蛋豆腐

B09. Century Egg and Tofu 皮蛋豆腐

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B06. Rice Jelly Noodle with Sesame Sauce 麻醬拉皮

B06. Rice Jelly Noodle with Sesame Sauce 麻醬拉皮

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B10. Shredded Potato 熗拌土豆絲

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B05. Pig Ear with Green Onion 香蔥豬耳

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B11. Tossed Wood Ear Fungus 熗拌木耳

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B14. Deep Fried Peanuts 油炸花生米

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B16. Spiced Edamame 五香毛豆 1份

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B02. Home Style Code Dish 家常涼菜

B02. Home Style Code Dish 家常涼菜

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B07. Soy Sauce Beef 醬汁牛肉

B07. Soy Sauce Beef 醬汁牛肉

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B12. Tiger Salad (Three Vegetables) 老虎菜

B12. Tiger Salad (Three Vegetables) 老虎菜

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B13. Garlic Pork Hock 蒜泥肘花

B13. Garlic Pork Hock 蒜泥肘花

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B15. Yijue Dried Tofu ㄧ絕干豆腐

B15. Yijue Dried Tofu ㄧ絕干豆腐